Burbank Faith Today: May 1, 2017

Sunday Services: 10:30 AM
505 South Sixth St. Burbank, CA

FaithView, For Storm Riders:
“But you must return to your God: maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.”—Hosea 12:6

We all understand the stubbornness of man…We’ve talked about love and hit on the cliched—but true—truths that love is action as well as feeling. Justice—on the other hand—we have not really talked about.

The passage is saying come home to God. What are you thinking by looking for another avenue to happiness? Who are you fooling? How many times do you—the Israelites in the verse above—have to move away from God, experience misery and end up defeated?

Stick to your God. The one who saved you. The only one who can bring you lasting peace. It can also be noted that since the Israelites are God’s chosen people, it’s so ironic they are always looking for a way to do an end-run around him.

You can answer for yourself, but, yeah, much of Churchianity today is about looking for an end-run around the Lord. We love to find ways to electrify the Red Letters and defuse the uncomfortable ones.

Hosea is encouraging the people to come back to God, maintain love and justice. And by justice, he means doing what is right.

Not what the mob thinks is right but what the Lord thinks is right.

Justice, unfortunately, these days, has been co-opted by group think. We practice justice by listening to what the group says, what the party says, what the crowd says, what the university says, what Churchianity says and what the mob says.

Goodness, gracious…how many times can people march? How many causes do they believe in? How many causes are they told to believe in? Do they ask any questions before they fall in line or just trust in what they are being told?

God gave us a brain and a soul. With these tools, combined with the presence of his spirit in our lives, we discern what is just and what is unjust.

We cannot let someone else practice discernment for us. We cannot let someone else discern for us.

We are called to maintain love and justice…Not to love and then seek and search for a better way to fit in.

You hold out, stick to your guns—so to speak—and you’ll find yourself on the outside looking in on a lot of circles and a lot of groups. You will be outside the mainstream. You will be hated and mocked for it.

Okay, fine, you’ll be hated but guess what? The call to return to your God won’t be an issue because you will have maintained love and…justice….And abide in him.

The tie in question to this is…how do I live justly?

…Comeback tomorrow and I’ll share that with you… 😉


Lots of good stuff available this weekend.

Collectible/Antique Sale This Friday & Saturday:
Join us this weekend in Martin Hall for Paul Cassity’s special sale. Lot of unique stuff…lot of cool stuff…Doors open at 6:PM on Friday night and 8:30 AM on Saturday morning.


Reminder: VBS is on the way…June 26-30…You can register ONLINE NOW!

A VBS Unlike Any Other:
You can sign up your child and their friends here on our website. Look the button up top, click, and follow.


Burbank Faith now has a Twitter account. You can follow us at; @BurbankFaithNaz


Eric Canto has created a Burbank Faith channel on YouTube and has placed all of our recent services there. Go check it out.


VBS Goes to Rome: The theme for Vacation Bible School this year is “Rome: Paul & The Underground Church”
The dates are June 26-30…Look at your calendar…share with your friends…Pray for Seana Zilbert, who is directing…Make plans to volunteer.

July is Camps Month: Remember July is camps month…Junior High, High School & Kids will all have separate camps at Granite Ridge.

District Assembly is July 12-14
(It is one month later this year due to General Assembly (Indianapolis) being held June 21-30.)

SrHi Camp: July 16-21
Kids Camp: July 23-28
JrHi Camp: July 30-August 4


Did You Know?
On this date…

…In 1992, the Rodney King Riots entered its third day. Before it ended on May 4, 58 people would die.

Cannonade…Five Scriptures–read by the congregation–every Sunday–before the message…or there will be no message!

Church Calendar:
May 1: “Riders On The Storm”—7:00 PM
May 2: Women’s Bible Study—7:00 PM
May 3:
All Church Prayer Time: 7—to—7:30 PM
Worship Team Practices: 7:30 PM
Adult Bible Study—1 Samuel 18—7:30 PM
May 6: Men’s Breakfast at Harry’s, 8:00 AM
May 7: Sunday Service, 10:30 AM…Sunday evening “Prayer Hour” from 6-to-7:00 PM
May 13: Ladies Tea
May 14: Mother’s Day
May 21: VBS planning meeting, following morning worship.
May 29: Memorial Day
June 26-30: VBS Week

As believers, we have to remain in continual prayer for all of our first responders…all our leaders…not a political party but for those carrying the heavy burden of leadership in our country and communities.

Kourtney Zilbert (Left) is one of our own…Keep her and her partner Austin in prayer.

President Donald Trump

Mayor of Burbank, Jesse Talamantes

Senator Kamala Harris

Senator Diane Feinstein

California Governor, Jerry Brown





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